Sunday, February 11, 2024

Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk

This morning I was feeling blue. But now I have cheered right up.

In fact, I am glowing yellow like a buttercup.

Today is February 11thNational Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day.

It just so happened that I actually spilled my milk this morning!  I was wearing my favorite sweater and the milk got all over it.  I didn't cry, but boy was I sad.  Then, I remembered what day it was.  With a laugh, I changed into a dry shirt, wiped up the milk, and proceeded on with my day wearing a smile.  I have decided that from now on I am going to look at the bright side of things.  I am going to try to carry that positive attitude with me everyday from now on.  To look at the bright side of things.  To not stress over the little things.  Life is too short to let the little things bother us.

If a little milk should spill it really doesn't matter.  Ask yourself: "Will this issue matter in a day?"  If the answer is "No," then it's just spilled milk.  How about in a week?  Still a no?  It's still just spilled milk.  If the concern doesn't change the entire course of your life, it's only spilled milk.  Don't worry about it.  Everything’ll be all right.

Don't be like this guy

Here are a couple songs by one of my favorite songwriters, Andy Partridge, that always put a smile on my face:

The Art Song (Something Good With Your Life):

Everything'll Be Alright

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