Wednesday, February 21, 2024

I am not slowing down

SLOW DOWN!”  the sign screams at me as I run by.  “FUCK NO!”  I holler back.  I am not slowing down!”  The rebellious brain inside my head commands me to go faster.

These signs have been popping up all over Madison and it drives me crazy.  It is very demoralizing, as a runner to be clipping along at a good pace and to come to a sign telling me to slow down.  It just really bugs me.  When I’m in a groove and feeling strong, “Slow Down” is the last thing I want to be told to do.

These are the signs that are driving me crazy:

Fear not fellow runners of Madison! You will not have to worry about slowing down for much longer. I have devised a plan to end this insanity...

With a brush and paints, I have made up a bunch of signs that say “Speed Up”.  On my next run, I will stop at each of the “Slow Down” signs, rip them out of the ground, and replace them with a “Speed Up” sign.  That outta fix ‘em.   


These are the signs that I will put in place of the “Slow Down” signs:

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Sun, June 16-Sat, June 22

Sun June 16: AM. On the track, did 3x1600m (5:47, 5:49, 5:41).  It was raining and around 70°.  PM. A 40 min run on residential streets and ...