Friday, May 24, 2024

No matter what the weather

Friday is heaven… Friday is HEAVEN!!

A few days ago, the weather channel on my television stopped coming thru.  Of the fifty or so channels my antenna TV picks up, the weather channel is probably the one I’d watch the most.  I’ll admit I am somewhat of a weather channel addict.  Every morning before heading out for a run, I would check the weather channel to see what the temperature is.  During this time of year, the weather is usually pretty nice.  This past week however, there has been everything from sun, to clouds, to rain, and even a tornado in the area on Tuesday evening.  All of this crazy weather has taken me by surprise, as I haven’t been able to tune into the weather channel.  And I don’t have internet access at my home, so I can’t look up the forecast online.  

Thankfully, I have found a solution.  If I dial the number “262-965-2074” into my Punkt MP02 dumbphone, a friendly robot weatherman will tell me the current weather conditions in Madison, including the wind speed and direction, relative humidity, dew point, and pressure.  It’s quite nifty.

I’m not sure if it’s the weather, or the fact that I will be running a half marathon this Sunday and my mind is telling me to “fuel up”, but my appetite has been in the clouds.  This week is National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) week.  Each of the hospitals that I drop patients off at have loaded up their EMS lounges with all sorts of wonderful healthy foods- cakes, cookies, doughnuts, etc…  And I have been taking full advantage.  Every day this week, I have had two doughnuts.  Even on Wednesday, my day off, I had two doughnuts during the pastry club run.  Fortunately, I am a runner and can afford to pig out like this every now and then.

I have also been on a major XTC binge lately.  This is something that I can recommend to anyone—you can get as high as a kite without getting a hangover or gaining a pound.  Of all the XTC songs about “weather”—and there are several great ones—(Deliver Us From The Elements, Heatwave, Ballet For A Rainy Day, 1000 Umbrellas, Season Cycle, Blame The Weather, Snowman)—I think this might be my favorite:

You And The Clouds Will Still Be Beautiful:

And every morning before I’m awake

I walk around the world

To make sure she’s alright

And every evening, ‘fore I bolt the door

I give the stars a stir

To make sure they will spin all night

For I see people who will scratch

And spit and kick and fight

And I see nations war about whether

Right is left and whether wrong is right

And I know storms inside your head

Can amplify the plight

But no matter what the weather

You and the clouds will still be beautiful

No matter what the weather

You and the clouds will still be beautiful

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Sun, June 16-Sat, June 22

Sun June 16: AM. On the track, did 3x1600m (5:47, 5:49, 5:41).  It was raining and around 70°.  PM. A 40 min run on residential streets and ...