Thursday, February 1, 2024

Keepin' Busy

I am never going to blog again while at work.  Towards the end of my shift last night, I figured I would do some blogging.  However, at precisely 6:33 pm, a late call came in.  I didn’t get out till 8:20 pm, over an hour after my scheduled end time of 7:00 pm.  It ended up being a lousy shift.  I’d rather run calls all day and get out on time, than run only one or two calls during the day, but get done late.

I wrote the following last night while on shift: 

I am sitting at a desk inside the Sun Prairie Ambulance Station right now.  It is 6:25 pm.  There are thirty-five minutes left of my shift so I thought I’d do a little blogging.  Knock on wood I don’t get a last-second call.  It has been a good shift.  There were only two short calls.  At the station today, I studied up on some lesser-used medic protocols, I finished reading a good Stephen King novella, “Mr. Harrigan’s Phone,” I played my partner in a game of cribbage (I won), and I was able to get in a nice, hour-long walk, all while on the clock.  I walked up and down Clarmar St, the street in front of the ambulance station in Sunny P, at least fifty times.  I am unable to venture off too far, in case a call comes in.  It was a boring walk, but nice to get outside just the same.  After weeks of cold gray cloudy rainy piss shit days, Mr. Sun finally decided to poke his head out of the clouds and say, “Hello.”  I was really starting to miss that guy.  Even the temperature was mild, getting up to around 40°.  The next several days actually look quite promising.  

This past weekend, I went to visit my folks and some friends in Marshfield, WI, my hometown.  Marshfield is smaller than Madison, and doesn’t have nearly as many running trails.  There are also no lakes or rivers to run along.  With a population of around 19,000, Marshfield has the distinction of being the largest city in Wisconsin that is not on, or near a body of water.  There are, however, many beautiful country roads with little traffic surrounding Marshfield that are great for running.  On Sunday, I went for a 22+ mile run over country roads to the southwest of Marshfield.  I ran twice on both Monday and Tuesday, and my legs are feeling pretty good.  A couple years ago, if I'd gone for a 22+ miler, my legs would’ve felt achy and tired the following days.  My body has definitely gotten stronger.  I am going to take off tonight and I’ll plan to take it easy the next few days.  This Saturday, I will be running the Subzero 5 miler and I want to be feeling fresh and ready to run fast. 




A call just came in 

I gotta go!

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Sun, Sept 15-Sat, Sept 21

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