Sunday, March 17, 2024

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Once again I, a simple solitary sufferer doomed to failure, am running through the streets of Madison asking myself that same question that has been asked so many times over and over again: “Is it possible for a man who is brave, solitary and simple to obtain true happiness in this 21st century world, this exciting world of passion and evil?”  Yes, I ask that question knowing that today will bring me yet another chapter, another page, another paragraph, in that exciting narrative drama of man in the 21st century.  Am I prepared to accept it?  Am I prepared to deal with it?  Am I prepared to face the fire and dig deep at crunch-time, at that critical stage of the race when things really get tough?  Oh, but I must fear not.  Fear not!  For I am a great believer in that wonderful little statuary, those monkeys of the past who saw no evil, heard no evil, and uh…

What was the other one now?  Shucks!  Son of a gun.  Just after I thought I was off to a good start it slipped my mind.  What was it that that third monkey did?

It’s right on the tip of my tongue.

I saw no evil, I shall hear no evil, … It’s right on the tip of my tongue …something—he shall kick no evil?  No.  He shall, uhhh, ...It’s something to do with evil…

I don’t know what it was that the other monkey did.

Over on State Street there are these three monkeys.  They are sitting on a bench.  The first monkey is covering his eyes so he doesn’t see any evil.  The second monkey is covering his ears so he doesn’t hear any evil… I pass by there all the time, and uh, oh shucks!  You remember it!  It’s right in front of State Street Brats!  Come on, you remember those three monkeys!  I’m not making it up!

What was it that last monkey said?

I don’t know son of a gun I don’t even think there were any monkeys now it’s all falling apart

Go ahead and ask yourself these serious sinister questions: Is it possible to achieve better living through alchemy?  Where is the treasure buried?  If a tree shall fall in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound when it falls?  What did the third monkey do?  Who knows.  Was there even a monkey?  Or is it a figment of my imagination?

Hehe… By the way have you ever had yourself a bowl of figments and cream?  It’s kind of nice, especially if you use heavy cream and you allow the figments to ripen.  Oh, and green sprinkles—you can’t forget about the green sprinkles on top.

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Sun, June 16-Sat, June 22

Sun June 16: AM. On the track, did 3x1600m (5:47, 5:49, 5:41).  It was raining and around 70°.  PM. A 40 min run on residential streets and ...