Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The truth comes out

Most of what I write is shit.  It’s all just a bunch of nonsense.  Fiction.  Make-believe.  Pretend.  I have a terribly bad habit of over exaggerating things.  

In my last post, I wrote that I overslept and didn’t get out of bed until 6:47.  That was a lie.  I hopped out of bed at 5:30 am and was out the door running by 5:45 am.  When I finished that run an hour later, the sun still hadn’t risen yet.  The reason why the sun hadn’t risen is because of daylight savings time.  This past Sunday, the clocks sprung forward one hour.  By 9:00 am, Mr. Sun was high up in the sky, lighting the world.  He surely didn’t burn out or go cold on us.  The world is still here, spinning around the sun like it’s always been.  

The only real truth on this blog is in my weekly training overviews.  I typically run everyday and usually twice a day.  Otherwise, almost all of the other posts I’ve written are just made up and over-embellished nonsense.

All those signs that tell me to “Slow Down” really don’t bug me that much.  And I didn’t go replacing any of them with “Speed Up” signs.  I’ve been tempted to, but I guess I’m afraid that the owner of one of those signs will catch me in the act and bash me over the head.

I wrote a post a few weeks ago called “Night Thoughts”.  It was about a run I went on in the middle of the night.  I really did go for a run in the middle of the night, but I made up some of the details just to make it sound a little more interesting.  In reality, the run was just an ordinary boring run.  Nothing too exciting happened.  I never passed any man drinking Jack or smoking any cigarettes.  The guy I saw was just a regular-looking average joe.  And when I said, “Good morning!” to him, he didn’t tell me to bug off.  He just gave me a blank stare.

I like working on my creative writing skills.  I’m not really as nutty or as crazy as what I may appear to be in my posts so I make up a lot of shit.  I just wanted to clear that up.  Let you know I’m not some kind of nut.  Well, maybe I am just a little bit nutty, but aren’t we all?

One of these days I might actually come along and write something good, something honest and worth reading.  But for now, enjoy the shit.  There will be more of it to come.

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Sun, Sept 15-Sat, Sept 21

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