Sunday, April 7, 2024

Go kick a rock

I think I've mentioned before that I like running.  However, I don't think I've ever said anything about the game that I play while I run.  Wherever I go, I almost always kick a rock in front of me.  The goal is to see how far I can go before losing the rock.  By losing a rock, I mean accidentally kicking it into a sewer drain or off the road into somebody’s yard.

I am probably the best rock-kicker in town.  Today I kicked a rock for over eleven miles.  That might be a new record.  I have been rock-kicking for years and I've gotten quite good at it.  Kicking a rock while running involves a combination of skill and luck.  It is easiest to do when there isn't much traffic in the streets and it helps when the roads are smooth and even.  I live in the Midwest, where all the roads are full of potholes so this makes it a bit more challenging.

It also helps to find a good rock.  A good rock is one that is round, but not too round.  If the rock is too round, it will roll away from you.  The size of the rock also plays a factor.  I think the best rocks are about the size of an egg, just not as round.  If the rock is too big, it won't travel very far and you might hurt your toe.  If it's too small, you'll likely lose it or whiff at it.  I am always sure to keep at least a couple back-up rocks in my pocket, in case I lose one.

The next time you head out for a run, try kicking a rock.  I think you might like it.

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