Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sun, June 9-Sat, June 15

Sun June 9: AM. A 90 min run with MSRC on various paths and streets around Lake Wingra.  The knee was acting up a little towards the end.  It was sunny and in the 60s.

Mon June 10: DNR.  A gorgeous day—sunny and 50°—but didn’t do any running.  Rested knee.

Tues June 11: AM. A 45 min run on the Capital City Trail and around Monona Bay.  It was sunny and in the low 50s.  PM. In Deerfield, A 45 min on-shift run— ambulance station loops.  It was cloudy at first, then it cleared up some.  Temp of 72°.

Wed June 12: AM. Ran ~3 miles with the pastry club over residential streets.  It was sunny and in the 60s.  AM2 On the track, ran 6400m in 24:20 (6:04, 6:05, 6:02, 6:07).  It was sunny and 80°.

Thurs June 13: AM. A 90 min run around Lake Monona.  It was rainy at first, then it cleared up and became sunny.  Temp around 70°.

Fri June 14: AM. A 45 min run on residential streets and on the Capital City Trail.  It was sunny and 60°.  PM. In Sunny P, A 30 min run in Sheehan Park.  It was sunny and in the 70s.

Sat June 15: AM. A 90 min run on the Capital City Trail, around Monona Bay, and over residential streets.  It was mostly cloudy and around 60°.

I took a day off on Monday because my right knee was bothering me again.  The knee has continued to be sore and achey the rest of the week.  I think it’s chondromalacia.  In 2016, my right knee was giving me some problems.  The knee problems lasted a few weeks, then it got better on its own.  I’m hoping it goes the same way now, as it did then.  The only difference this time around is that I have a marathon to race in a week.  The knee really doesn’t hinder my ability to run fast, it’s more of just a nuisance.  Other than the knee, I’m feeling really good.

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Sun, Sept 15-Sat, Sept 21

Sun Sept 15: AM. A 2 hour run, most of it with MSRC group, around Lake Wingra and over city and residential streets and paths. It was sunny ...