Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sun, Aug 18-Sat, Aug 24

Sun Aug 18: AM. A 2 hour 10 min run on the Capital City Trail, the Yahara River Trail, and over trails in Olin Park. It was mostly cloudy and 66°.

Mon Aug 19: AM. A 60 min run on the Mendota Lakeshore Path to Picnic Pt. It was sunny and around 60°.  PM. A 45 min run around Lake Wingra. It was sunny and in the mid 70s.

Tues Aug 20: AM. A 65 min run on the Capital City Trail and over trails in Olin Park. It was sunny and 55°.  PM. A 45 min run around Lake Wingra. It was partly sunny and around 70°.

Wed Aug 21: AM. Ran 5 miles with the pastry club over residential streets. It was sunny and in the 50s.  AM2 Ran a loop around Lake Wingra in 45 mins, did an 8,000m on the track in 30:21 (6:08, 6:04, 6:05, 6:01, 6:01), then ran another 45 min loop around Lake Wingra. It was sunny and in the 60s.

Thurs Aug 22: AM. A 60 min run on the Mendota Lakeshore Path to Picnic Pt. The sun was rising over clear skies, temp in the low 50s.  PM. A 40 min run around Lake Wingra. The sun was setting over partly cloudy skies, temp around 70°.

Fri Aug 23: AM. A 60 min run on the Mendota Lakeshore Path to Picnic Pt. The sun was rising over mostly clear skies with a temp around 60°.  PM. A 45 min run around Lake Wingra. It was sunny and in the 70s.

Sat Aug 24: AM. A 78 min run on trails in Governor Nelson State Park. It was mostly sunny and in the upper 60s.  PM. A 78 min run in Maple Bluff and on the ritzy streets along Lake Mendota. It was partly sunny and 85°.

120+ miles for the week. That might be a new record.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Sun, Aug 11-Sat, Aug 17

Sun Aug 11: AM. At Dawson’s Cabin, A 78 min run on country roads and ATV trails. It was sunny and around 50°.

Mon Aug 12: AM. A 30 min run on the Capital City Trail. It was sunny and around 60°.  PM. A 45 min run around Lake Wingra. It was sunny and in the upper 70s.

Tues Aug 13: AM. A 60 min run on the Mendota Lakeshore Path to Picnic Pt. It was sunny and 62°.  PM. In Deerfield, A 30 min on-shift run around the station and in the DF Business Park. It was sunny and 80°.

Wed Aug 14: AM. Ran ~5 miles with the pastry club over residential streets. It was sunny and in the 60s. PM. On the track, did a 1600, 1200, 800, 400 with Tyler (5:31, 4:00, 2:36, 75). It was partly sunny and 81°.

Thurs Aug 15: AM. A 45 min run on the Capital City Trail and around Monona Bay. It was rainy and around 70°. PM. In Deerfield, A 20 min run on the Glacial-Drumlin Trail. Felt dizzy and out-of-sorts.

Fri Aug 16: AM. A 60 min run on the Mendota Lakeshore Path to Picnic Pt. It was foggy and 74° (dew pt of 71°).

Sat Aug 17: AM. Ran the Kent Kretchmar Klassic 5k course in 16:59 (5:25, 5:31, 5:31, 0:31). I told Tyler I would pace him to a sub 17. I held up my end of the bargain, but Ty faded after the first mile, finishing in 17:31. It was cloudy, humid and in the upper 60s.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sun, Aug 4-Sat, Aug 10

Sun Aug 4: AM. A 90 min run with MSRC around Lake Monona. It was partly sunny and 77°.

Mon Aug 5: AM. A 45 min run on the Capital City Trail and around Monona Bay.  It was cloudy and 74°. Humid as usual. Dew point of 71°. 

Tues Aug 6: AM. On the track for a sub 5 min mile attempt. I ended up running it in 5:00.  Ran even 75 second quarters, but didn’t have enough for much of a kick at the end. Ryan, who didn’t think he could run a sub 5 min mile, started 9 meters ahead of me and ran a 4:55 1600m, Alex paced us thru 1000m then dropped out, and an injured Scott watched from the infield—I couldn’t tell if those were tears streaming down his face or just the rain? Cooler out this morning- temp around 60° with a light drizzle.  PM. In Deerfield, A 45 min run on the Glacial-Drumlin Trail. The sun was setting over mostly clear skies, temp of 68°.

Wed Aug 7: AM. A 60 min run on the Mendota Lakeshore Path to Picnic Pt. It was sunny and 56°.  PM. A 45 min run around Lake Wingra. It was partly cloudy and around 70°.

Thurs Aug 8: AM. A 60 min run on the Capital City Trail and on trails in Olin Park. It was partly sunny and 57°.  PM. In Sunny P, A 30 min run on trails in Sheehan Park. It was sunny and around 70°.

Fri Aug 9: AM. On the track, did 2x5,000m: 18:36 (6:04, 6:03, 5:41, 0:47), 18:19 (5:58, 6:01, 5:38, 0:41). Original plan was to just do a 10,000m, but I felt beat after 5k. So, I jogged a couple recovery laps after the first 5k, then gave it another go. Felt a little better on the 2nd 5,000m. It was sunny and in the upper 50s.

Sat Aug 10: AM. At Dawson’s Cabin (somewhere between Phillips and Manitowish Waters), A 2 hour 30 min run on country roads and trails around the Pike Lake Chain.  It was cloudy and in the upper 40s-low 50s.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Sun, July 28-Sat, Aug 3

Sun July 28: AM. A 2 hour 15 min run around Lake Monona, over city streets, and on the Mendota Lakeshore Path.  Last few miles with MSRC group.  It was mostly cloudy with a couple light sprinkles.  Temp in the low 70s.

Mon July 29: AM. A 35 min run on the Capital City Trail.  It was cloudy and 73°.  PM. In Sunny P, A 30 min run on trails in Sheehan Park.  It was mostly sunny with a couple raindrops towards the end, temp around 80°.

Tues July 30: AM. A 60 min run on the Capital City Trail and on trails in Olin Park.  It was sunny and 66°.  PM. In Deerfield, A 30 min on-shift run doing loops around the ambulance station.  It was partly sunny and 86°.

Wed July 31: AM. Ran 5+ miles with the pastry club over city and residential streets.  It was mostly cloudy and around 70°.  PM. A 50 min run with Tyler on trails in the Pheasant Branch Conservancy.  It was sunny, quite humid and 89°.

Thurs Aug 1: AM. A 60 min run on the Mendota Lakeshore Path to Picnic Pt.  It was cloudy and 76°.  PM. In Deerfield, ran loops around the station for 15 mins at the end of the shift.  Temp in the upper 70s with thunderstorms in the vicinity.

Fri Aug 2: AM. A 45 min run on residential streets and on the Capital City Trail.  It was partly sunny and 68°.  PM. A 45 min run around Lake Wingra.  It was sunny and around 80°.

Sat Aug 3: AM. Ran 40 mins on the Monona Lake loop route to Oneida Park, did the Kent Kretchmar Klassic 5k course in 18:16 (5:55, 5:56, 5:48, 0:36), then ran the rest of the way around the lake in 48 mins.  It was sunny, humid and in the 70s.

Sun, Sept 15-Sat, Sept 21

Sun Sept 15: AM. A 2 hour run, most of it with MSRC group, around Lake Wingra and over city and residential streets and paths. It was sunny ...